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Batcat book 1
Book one Chp. 1

Well one day I was in my room and Agnes was putting away my clothes. I heard a car stop. I decided to peek out the window. I saw a moving truck had stopped in front of the house next door to mine. I kept watching as two people stepped out of the car. One was the moving truck owner, the other looked younger maybe in his 20's. I couldn't stop watching him.I saw his badge from far away reading the words G.C.P.D. Or Gotham City Personal Detective. "What are you looking at Mistress Bianca." I jumped high. "Oh nothing." I muttered. Agnes was not convinced. She went to the window. "Wow, no ones moved into that house for years," Agnes said. "You were hiding this???" Agnes walked away. I stole another look out the window. Suddenly the detective looked up. I ducked out of sight before he saw me. "Whew!" I gasped. Then I went downstairs and looked out the window. The Moving guy was gone, all of the detectives things were on his lawn and he was dragging a box inside. As quick as a flash she went outside. He didn't see me because the box was to big. I went on the other side of the box and helped him carry it in. He didn't even notice until he set the box down. "AHHHHHH!!!" He cried. " Sorry for scaring you I was just trying to help, I'm your neighbor, Bianca Wayne." I said. I was sure I was as red as a tomato. "Well, I'm Harryclaw" He said in a british accent. "Ooh he's british!!!" I thought. "Well I work at a bakery and i'm-" I stopped "I almost told him i'm BatCat!!!" "And your what?" Harryclaw asked. "OH i'm nice and friendly!!!" I added fast. " Uh ok....?" He said.

Book one Chp. 2

I watched her. She was a very odd lady."Wow, look at the time, I'd better go!!!" Bianca said and she ran very fast out of my house forgetting to shut the front door. I went back outside and continued brining all my stuff in. The only problem I had was trying to get the bed to go upstairs. I tried and tried. Finally i managed to drag the dumb bed upstairs and put it in a room that I claimed mine. By the end of all of that I was sweating alot. When it was my bed time (10:30) I went upstairs to bed. The next morning I woke up to my loud alarm not wanting to go to work. I shut it off and went into the bathroom to get dressed. It was 5:00 in the morning. I walked to work by myself. When I got their I went inside. "SO YOU ARE THE NEW PERSON, YOU BETTER WORK WELL OR I'LL WHIP YOU WITH THIS VERY BELT HERE!!" Said the buff cat with a big belt. He showed me where my office was yelling all the way. When I got in my office I saw a gigantice pile of paperwork. "Wow, this must be my lucky day..." I said aloud. Almost as soon as I sat down someone else came in my office. And WHOA I could guess her favorite color, Her scarf was PINK her bow in her hair was PINK her pistol was PINK her gun belt and hollster was PINK her badge was PINK. I was very overwhelmed by the color. "Sorry, the boss told me to give you these." She said. She put down a pistol and a paper that said Stuff you need to expect here. Then she left. Then a loud bell rang. I put my hands over my ears, and glanced down at the paper. If a bell rings get your butt down to the entrance!!! I kinda thought the boss put the butt down here part. I took the gun and went downstairs to the entrance. The boss was already telling people what to do. "DETECTIVE ELLEN AND DETECTIVE SHAWN YOU ARE GOING TO GO TO THE APARTMENT DOWNTOWN, IT IS BEING ROBBED!!!" The boss bellowed."DETECTIVE DAPHNE YOU GO INVESTIGATE A CRIME SCENE DOWN 1066 SCILY WAY!!! "DETECTIVE HARRYCLAW YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE GOTHAM CITY BANK, YOUR POLICE CAR IS OUT FRONT, HERE ARE YOUR KEYS!!!! He Howled. I took them and hurried out of their before I got a headache.

Book one Chp. 3

"BIANCA WAYNE, WHY IS YOUR ELBOW IN THE CAKE ICING!!!" Marriane, bianca's boss yelled. "Huh," I said. I looked down. "AHHH!" I screamed. Marriane rolled her eyes. "You've been doing this all day, one thing after another." Marriane said. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something......" I said. I went to the bathroom to clean my sleeve. I looked in the mirror and punched it. "Why am I so ugly, he'll never date me!!!" I pulled one of my pigtails. I had made a crack in the mirror. "Hope no one notices it..." I thought. I put my sleeve in the warm water, and began to daydream again. I stood there, my sleeve getting wetter ad wetter. "BIANCA!!" Marriane shouted. "Coming!!!" I said. I ran out of there. I put the cake in the oven before Marriane popped a blood vesel. "Lunch break everyone!!!" Marriane announced. I went outside to my car. I decided to go to Subway. The line was loooooong. I waited and tapped my foot impatiently.The line was moving slower then a slug. Suddenly I heard my watch beep. The Batwave was going off. "Come on I was gonna get a good sandwhich." I thought angrily. I went out of the restraunt and got into my car I went to an alley. I quickly put on my Batsuit. Then I pushed a hidden button that turned my car into the Batmobile. I put on my mask and drove out of the alley fast.

Book one Chp. 4

I stopped the police car in front of the bank. I saw the person stealing the money. I took out my gun and went inside. "You better put your hands up!" I snapped. The cat turned around. "Ahhh!!!" I screamed. The cat looked horrible. The cat had make up all over its face Everywhere. "Is the circus hiring clowns to rob the bank?" I asked. "uhhh no." Said the cat. "MY CARD!!!!" The cat took out a card that had a joker on it. "uh...." I said. "My NAME is JOKER!!!!!" The weird cat said. "ok.........." I said. The cat threw the card at me. I ducked. It hit the wall I could tell it was metal now and very sharp. " Wow, I want to date you someday." The cat said. "Wait, are you a girl?" I asked. "Oh yes." She said. Then someone broke threw the door. I turned around. "And your sidekick is a Bat?" I said. "Oh SHE is NOT my sidekick, she is my arch enemy." Growled Joker. "She is a supervillan and I'm a superhero." The other cat said. "She is BatCat who always foils my evil plans!!!" Joker growled. "Thats right, and I'm going to foil your evil plans right now." BatCat hissed. "And if you didn't know BatCat is a girl too." Joker said. "Alright." I said. I wrote down a whole bunch of stuff in my notebook. "WHAT are you writing down!!!" Snarled Joker. "None of your buisness." I said simply. She growled and prepared to charge at me. I just stood there stubbornly. "Oh NO you don't." BatCat hissed. She and Joker began to girl fight. I turned around and took the card on the wall and slipped it into my gun hollster while no one was looking. BatCat punched Joker hard in the face. "OW!!!" Joker snareled. This was becoming boring. I watched them fight. Finally BatCat knocked Joker out with a brick she had found. "You can take her to justice now detective." BatCat said. She looked very familiar to me but I couldn't point my finger on it. I grabbed Joker and handcuffed her. Then I dragged her off to my car.

Book one Chp. 5

I watched him go. I was very sweaty under my mask. "I really really want him..." I thought. I quickly flew away and landed next to my car. I got in and drove into an alley again. I changed and turned my car back to a normal car. I went back to subway. The line was gone. I ordered my sandwhich and ate it quickly so I could hurry back to work. I came back with a minuet to spare and began decorating a wedding cake. I put little pink flowers all around it. I thought it was a work of art when I put it into the oven to bake. "Alright everyone, you can go home now!!" Marriane said. I left feeling a little bit better. I drove home and on the radio Call me Maybe was on. I got home and ran upstairs. I wanted to take a nap till dinner if I could. I put my watch that would tell me if there was trouble, on my nightstand. Then fell asleep having creepy dreams. In my dream Joker was laughing at me. I did not know why. I turned around and saw Harryclaw dead on the ground. "NO!!" I said in my dream. But before I could get to him, Joker pushed me head first out of the building. We were both falling. Joker kept wrapping her arms around while we were falling. I was screaming. Apparenly not only in my dream. I woke up panting and sweating uncontrollably. I kept seeing flashes of my very vivid dream. Many of the flashes were Harryclaw in a pool of blood dead.

Book one Chp. 6

I shoved Joker into the back seat. "Mommy I don't want peas, I want PIE!!" Joker muttrered. I decided she was going crazy. I closed the backdoor and got in the front seat. I drove to the Arkam Assylum, to drop Joker off in jail. It seemed like I was repeating myself over and over and over! I showed them my I.D thousands of times. Finally they let me take her to her cell. Joker had woken up and did not like the idea of going back into jail. She kept kicking me and I kept pushing her. I tried to drag her into a cell. She was trying to hold onto the door mantel. I gave a stupendos heave and fell backwards as she fell in. I took off the handcuffs. She grabbed me. "YOUR ARE GONNA PAY DEARLY FOR THIS!!" She snapped. I hit her hard on the head with my pistol and she dropped me. I got up, brushed myself off, and slammed the cell door and locked it and checked 3 times to make sure it was locked. Then I stalked off in a prissy way. She had made me very angry. The owner of the Assylum had already called the police station to tell them I had bought Joker there. I went out to my car and drove back to the police station. "GOOD JOB, NOW GO UP STAIRS AND DO ALL THAT PAPERWORK I GAVE YOU!!" My boss said. I did not want to but I knew I had to. I acctaully thought I might have been better off trying to wrestle Joker into the cell. I went upstairs. It was sooooo boring signing my name a thousand times. I put my head on the desk.

Book one Chp. 7

"WHY, WHY!!!!!" I yoweled. I punched my cell door." I DON'T wanna be in JAIL AGAIN!!!!!" I screamed while throwing rocks at the cell door. I looked in the mirror next to my dumb wooden bed. My face still had the smear free clown make up on. I was pleased by that. "Oh yes, he is gonna pay alright." I grinned to myself."I feel like blowing him up in a canyon." I said to myself."And then I will get dumb BatCat out of the way as well!" I said happily. "Time for my expert escape plan." I said. "That dumb detective forgot to remove my weapons heeehehehehehe." I said. I took out a large gun and blasted open the wall. I jumped out. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I loved this. I heard the siren go off inside. "JINGLE BELLS, HARRYCLAW SMELLS, BATCAT LAYED AN EGG, THE BATMOBILE LOST A WHEEL, AND THE JOKER GOT AWAAAAYYY!!! I cried. I landed in the water with a loud splash. I swam away fast. I ran fast through the streets, punching people as I ran past them. I made it to my secret base. "ZOEY I ESCAPED SUCCESFULLY!!!" I said joyfully. "Excellent job Joker!!" She said. "You got those minions ready???" I questioned. "Yup, ready and waiting." Zoey said. "Good we've got a detective to destroy." Joker said. "Aww yes, the one who arrested you I persume, but by the look on your face I think you have a crush on him." Zoey said. "I-DO-NOT!!!" I growled, but I was blushing super hard. I watched zoey turn around and put her hand over her mouth. I heard her muffled giggles. "SILENCE ZOEY!!!!" I roared. Zoey turned but was still in a fit of giggles. I growled deep in my throat. She stopped laughing. "Right my lady, the plan." she said still showing many signs of amusement." Lets go Joker." Zoey said."Yes, lets see if you can defend yourself now Harryclaw, MUAHAHAHAH!!!" I laughed.

Book one Chp. 8

"POOP!!" I said as I dropped my pencil. I bent down to get it. "WORK IS OVER YOU MAY LEAVE!!!" The boss roared. "Good." I said. I got up and left. I reached my hand into my hollster to get something."OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!" I wailed. something cut my hand. I pulled out the card I had taken off the wall that Joker had thrown at me. My hand was bleeding. I pulled a band-aid out of the cupboard and put it on my deep cut. Then I went to my car and drove home. When I got home I put the card on the desk in my room. I heard the doorbell ring. I went downstairs. I opened the door. I screamed and slammed the door. I stood there panting. "OPEN UP YOUR DOOR OR I'M BLOWING IT UP!!!" Growled Joker. I opened the door slowly. "How do you know where I live.?." I asked." Because I know EVERYTHING!!!" Snareled Joker. I reached down to get my gun but I felt nothing. Then I remembered I had left it upstairs. "Aww you don't have your precious weapon DO YOU???!!!" laughed Joker. "I guess not." I said. "THEN I SHALL KILL YOU, MUAHAHAHAH!!! She laughed while pointing a gigantic gun at me. "uh...," I said. "Anyway how did you get out of jail...?" "You forgot to remove my weapons so I blasted out." Joker said. "Well I will most certainly remember to do that next time." I said. BAM! she shot. I ducked. the missile in the gun hit the wall making a huge hole. "Can we please take this fight somewhere thats NOT in my home." I said. "Ok." She said with an evil smile. She took a can out of her bag. "uh......" I said again. Then she sprayed it in my face. "HEY!" I snareled. I started coughing. "Its knock out gas if you wanted to know." She said. "WHAT!!" I cried. Then I felt tired and fainted.

Book one Chp. 9

"That was easy." I said. "Well knock out gas is pretty useful." Zoey said." Whatever," I said. "You carry him, I don't want to." "Oooh you just want me too so you won't kiss him. "SHUT UP!!!" I hissed."Ok." Zoey giggled. "Come on, lets hurry before someone sees!" I snapped. "Ok, alright, little miss bossy." Zoey said while picking him up. I growled. I ran to the car. Zoey shoved Harryclaw into the back seat. I got in the front seat. I drove away fast. "We'll dispose of him at the base." I said. "Alright." Zoey said. I drove to the base fast. We got out of the car. I made Zoey hold Harryclaw again. We went inside. Zoey tied Harryclaw's arms behind his back and tied his ankles together. He still did not wake up. Then Zoey put him in a chair. " He is so gonna die now!" I said. Zoey sat somewhere else looking bored. Harryclaw woke up very fast. "This is dumb place for a fight..." He said. "Shut it," I said. "Or I will make it so you can't talk." He did not seem to care. Then Harryclaw's cell phone rang. Then a brilliantly evil idea entered my mind. "Don't even bother answering it." Harryclaw said. But I took his phone anyway. "Oooh how does BatCat know your phone number?" I asked. "How do you know where my house is." He said. I frowned at him. He frowned back." You annoy me." I said. "You annoy me." He said. "THATS IT!!!" I snareled. I grabbed the duct tape and wrapped around his mouth 10 times before I stopped. I panted. Then answered the phone. "Harryclaw are you there?" I heard BatCat say. "Oh i'm afraid Harryclaw can't come to the phone right now." I said in a sweet voice. I saw Harryclaw roll his eyes. I gave him a deadly stare. "And why not?" BatCat questioned. "Cause he is tied up, MUAHAHAHA." I said. "Well Joker then I'm gonna come over there and kick your butt and throw you through a wall." BatCat said. "Whatever, But he has a ransom dummy so unless you pay it you won't see Harryclaw again." I growled. "How much money." BatCat asked. "Oh its not money Miss Priss, Its your secret idenity." I said. I heard Harryclaw mumble something through the duct tape. I was guessing he said WHAT. "Then I will have to do it, for Harryclaw's sake." BatCat said softly. Harryclaw mumbled again. He probaly said NO NO DON'T COME!! You'd better get here fast!!" I told her. "Whatever you say." She said. I turned off Harryclaw's phone and put it down. Harryclaw was glaring at me. I glared at him back. "Well i'm not gonna make this easy for her." I said. "Lets set a few traps Zoey." I said."Yay!!" Zoey said. Harryclaw mumbled something angerly to us. I rolled my eyes at him and went to go set some traps.

Book one Chp. 10

I went to the BatMobile. "How rude of Joker." I thought. I got in the car." Anyway I saw his phone number on his desk through the window, I guess its a good thing I did..."I muttered aloud. I knew where Joker's base was by heart from earlier incidents. "I wonder if she likes kidnapping british Tom cats..." I thought. I did not want to reveal my secret Idenity. Not to anyone. Well, maybe i'd show Harryclaw. "AH HAH, I've got a perfect plan that will be rid of that clown!" I said aloud. Then I drove out of the BatCave. I got to her base. broke in through the window. "EEEEEK!!!" I cried ducking as a million arrows hit where I once was. I shot Joker a viscious look. I looked at Harryclaw. He was in a chair tied up and had alot of tape over his mouth. Harryclaw did not look pleased. "Umm, Joker why did you put duct tape over his mouth so much?" I asked. "He sassed me!!" Joker snareled. "Well you sure deserve it." I said. Joker growled. I growled like a man back at her. I heard Harryclaw mumble something that sounded like This is getting boring. "Hurry up BratCat you have to show me your secret idenity or watch Harryclaw die!" Snapped Joker. I reached up like I was going to pull off my mask and then threw a bomb looking thing at her. I quickly pushed the chair Harryclaw was in far out of range. Then I ran over to where the chair was. The bomb exploded with knock out gas. "NOOO!!" Joker cried. I freed Harryclaw and he pulled off all the tape. "HAH a taste of your own medicine eh Joker." Harryclaw said. "Shut up....." Joker said weakly. Then she and Zoey passed out. Harryclaw was staring defiantly at them. I took Joker and Zoey in one hand and took Harryclaw in the other. "Lets get out of here." I said. "Fine with me." Harryclaw said. I flew them to the Arkam Assylum. "You take them in, i'll wait out here for you." I said. "What for?' He asked. "Ur something I want to tell you...." I said. "Ok......" He said. He dragged Zoey and Joker into the Arkam Assylum.

Book one Chp. 11

This time I remembered to remove Joker and Zoey's weapons. They both were very mad at me. I didn't care though. I went back outside to see what BatCat wanted to tell me. "This way." BatCat said grabbing my arm and dragged me into an alley. She looked around to see if anyone could see us. I flinched. I really hate it when people grab my upper arm. It was like my weak spot. She had a odd expression on her face. She released my arm. My arm twitched. Then BatCat reached up and pulled off her mask. I nearly screamed. "SHHHHHHHHHH!!!, someone will hear!!!" She said. When I recovered I said, "Bianca!" "Yup.....its me..." Bianca said. I just stared. She stared back. "You should put your mask back on.....What if someone sees." I said. She put her mask back on. I backed away, I did not like this at all. "Wait, Harryclaw I," She said. "You..........what...? I questioned. "I really like you!!!" She burst out. Thats the thing that shocked me most of all. I nearly fell. Bianca caught me before I did. "Will...................you.......................d-date me." She asked. If I don't she will fall apart, If I do she will hug me so tight I would suffocate. I gave it some thought. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try..." I said slowly. She did hug me but not as hard as I thought she would. "Tonight we can go to that cafe looking place." Bianca said. "Ok...." I said. I walked away towards my home. I could feel Bianca's eyes staring into my back.

Book one Chp. 12

"NOOOOOOOOO HOH HOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I'M NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN" I roared. "Calm down Joker..." Zoey said softly to me. I could not believe my one of my own goons had actually heard that Harryclaw was going out with BatCat. I threw a temper tantrum on the floor. The other goon who had eavesdropped on Harryclaw and BatCat was outside the window. "BREAK-US-OUT!!!" I ordered. The goon did as he was told. "I'm not letting him go on that DATE!!" I growled. "What are you gonna do, grab him?" Zoey asked. "Oh even better then that." I said with an evil smile. When we got back to the base we got our weapons. I got a sack and some chloroform. "All ready, lets go Zoey." I said. "Ok." Zoey said. We got to Harryclaw's house. I snuck inside. I got inside his room. He wasn't in here yet. I hid nearby ready to ambush him. Harryclaw came in the room. I jumped out and grabbed him. I put my hand over his mouth. "SHHHHH!!!" I told him. He tried to kick me. "ZOEY POUR THE CHLOROFORM ON A RAG!!!!" I shouted. When Harryclaw heard the word chloroform he fought even harder. Zoey passed me the rag. " Now Harryclaw, I'm going to remove my hand for a second. I removed my hand from over his mouth. He screamed. I quickly put the chloroform rag over his nose and mouth making him breathe it in. His fighting began to slow. Finally he passed out from it. I kept it over his face for a few more moments before taking it off. I shoved him into the sack. "You take him Zoey." I ordered. She did as she was told. I went to our car. I was tempted to put him in the trunk but he would probaly suffocate in there so put the sack with him in it in the backseat. I drove to headquarters, the chloroform had already worn off. He was fighting inside and shouting muffled things that I could not understand. When we got in a room I locked the door. Zoey dumped him out of the sack. "Its smells like overcooked cabbages in their!!" Harryclaw snapped. "I don't care." I said. I took out a knife. He backed away. "Now, i'm not letting you go on that date." I said approaching him. "How do you know about that!" He cried. "Because one of my goons was spying." I answered. "He heard BatCat say will you date me and you say yes!!!" I groweled. Soon Harryclaw hit the back of the wall. I put my knife to his cheek. "You are staying here for a while." I said. "I c-can't though." He said while staring my knife. "Too bad." I said.

Book one Chp. 13

I looked at my watch. Harryclaw was taking forever. "What if something happened to him." I thought. I asked the waitress to hold my table. She nodded looking fearful. I was wearing my BatCat suit still. I went to his house. I went to his room. I saw a small bottle on the ground. I picked it up and read the inscription. It was labeled chloroform. I gasped. A kidnapping again!" I cried. I saw a note on the floor. I read it. The note said SORRY BUT I'M NOT LETTING YOU DATE HIM. Below it was signed by Joker. My blood ran cold. I quickly ran to Joker's base. I went inside. I snuck past many goons on the way. I opened the door. I saw Harryclaw against the wall with a knife to his cheek and Joker was growling something at him. Joker turned around at the sound of the door. "YOU FOOLISH SHE-CAT!!!!" Joker growled at me. "I'm not foolish, let Harryclaw go!" I snapped. "NOPE!!!" she said putting the knife to his throat. I attacked her. "EEEEEKKK!!!" Joker wailed. I punched and kicked. Harryclaw just watched in horror. I threw Joker against a wall. Then I grabbed Harryclaw's hand and ran with him. I ran out. "Umm do you still want to eat right now?" I asked. "S-Sure...." He said weakly. I went back to the restraunt. And and sat down at the table. He sat at the opossite end of the table. I ordered my food and Harryclaw did too. I asked Harryclaw what he liked. He said he liked tea, subway, and many more. Everytime we talked we got closer and closer to each other. I felt Harryclaw's nose against mine. Then we were kissing. It was weird. I heard people gasp and drop their silverware and I even heard some glass shatter. I also heard people saying Aww. When we stopped Harryclaw looked all around. Suddenly he looked like he was gonna puke. "EXCUSE ME EVERYONE!!!, THE BATHROOM!!!" I said while dragging Harryclaw inside. He did not barf but he looked really green. "Are you embarresed?" I asked. "Sort of....but its only all the people." Harryclaw said. "Oh.........." I said. "My goodness i'm still wearing my BatCat suit." I said. Harryclaw groaned. "Umm...Would you like to sleep over at my house...just so Joker won't attack you?" I asked. "Ok.......But is there another bed." He asked. "Yah its in the same room." I told him. "Ok." He said. They got out of the bathroom, paid for the food and went to BatCat's house.

Book one Chp. 14

She drove me to her house. Now I really felt like I was gonna puke. She drove like a daredevil. We got to her home and got out of her car. We went inside. "INTRUDER, INTRUDER HE SEES YOUR SECRET IDENITY, QUICK HYPNOTIZE HIM!!!!" A she-cat shouted. She raced at him with a weird looking machine. "EEEEEKKK!!!!" I screamed. "Stop Agnes, Stop!!!," BatCat said. "He is my boyfriend he already knows i'm Bianca Wayne. "Then your Harryclaw," Agnes said. She ran over to him and whispered "You should know that Bianca secretly takes pictures of you!!" She said. "ENOUGH WITH THE DETAILS!!!" Bianca blushed dragging Harryclaw upstairs. She opened a door. Her room was large and was black and white. Like a zebra. "You can use the white bed, i'm using the black bed." Bianca said. She took off her mask and pulled off her suit (she had on clothes underneath!). I went back to my home and got the stuff I needed and came back. Bianca went downstairs. "Ooops," I said aloud. "I forgot my microscope." I went back to my house and brought it back. I decided to study the silver bullet I found on the floor in Joker's lair. I zoomed in 10x. "Whoa." I said aloud again. There was an inscrption on it. Its said Leon's Guns on it. "Hmm...." I thought. I zoomed in 40x. "UGH!!!" I said backing away from the microscope. I had just seen lots of bacteria on the bullet. I ran downstairs to wash my hands. "Uhhhhhh...., Harryclaw what are you doing...?" Agnes asked. "I just touched lots of bacteria!!" I gasped. I scrubbed my hands super hard with the soap. Bianca had a weird look on her face. I went back upstairs and picked up the silver bullet with a pair of tweezers. I dropped it into a zip lock bag and sealed it shut. I washed the tweezers. I turned the microscope back to low power and shut it off. I went back downstairs.

Book one Chp. 15

I was very dizzy. Everything started to come back into focus. "Grrr, BatCat got away.." I moaned. I got up slowly. Zoey was on the ground next to me. She wasn't awake yet. "WAKE UP ZOEY!!!!!" I shouted. She jumped. "We failed AGAIN." I snapped. "You should have known your plan would fail." Zoey said. I sighed. "All I wanted was Detective Harryclaw." I said sadly. "Well he don't want you." Zoey said. That made me sadder. "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I wailed. Zoey covered her ears as I threw my very popular temper tantrum. I went to bed sadly that night. The next morning I got up in time to watch Harryclaw drive away to work. It was a cold Saturday and snowflakes were falling. Harryclaw got out of his car. He was wearing a scarf instead of his bandana and he had a snow hat on. He was also wearing pants and a heavy jacket with boots. His boots crunched through the snow as he walked up to his work. I watched him go inside. I waited five minuets till he got all setteled in his office. Then I shattered his window and broke in. "Joker," He said through gritted teeth. "That is expensive glass!" He snapped. "I don't care." I said. "Oh I know you don't." He snapped back. "You're so hot." I said. "YOU ARE NASTY NOW GET-OUT!!" He snareled. "No." I told him calmly. "WHAT is going on in here?" BatCat asked. "Oh nothing nothing, I was just messing with your damsel." I said. "DO DAMSELS DO THIS!!!" He shouted punching me so hard I hit the wall. When I got my breath back I said," Yah, sassy ones do.". He screamed so loud that I thought he broke the sound barrier. "Well screaming ain't gonna help sweetheart." I told him. This time he threw me out the window and I hit the wall of the gas station. "Man he's hot." I muttered. I got up and told Zoey that I had harressed Harryclaw. "Huh." She said interestedly. "And he threw you out a window." Zoey said. "Ya he was pretty mad." I said. "Why?" Zoey asked. "Well I called him a damsel," I said. "Like in those superhero movies, where this pretty lady is dating the hero and always has to be rescued?." I said. "Yah, well he fits that description, a bit." Zoey mused. "Except he's a mansel." Zoey said. "Oh a damsel in distress." Zoey said. "Oh he's gonna be in distress all right, when I'm done with him he won't be able to throw me out a window." I said.

Book one Chp. 16

"Calm, down." I tried to soothe my angry boyfriend. He was annoyed though. He began shouting in French, and I did not learn French. " Pourquoi ce!!! (Why that!!!)" He shouted. "Lorsque je mets la main sur son!!!!!!!!!(when I get my hands on her!!!!)" Harryclaw roared. I did not know what he was saying. He paced back and forth. " Je ne suis pas une jeune fille..(I'm not a damsel..)" He said in a softer voice. "Please speak english."I asked politely. He turned around and looked at me. "Do you think i'm weak?" He asked. "No." I told him. "Ouais c'est vrai (Yeah right.)." He muttered under his breath. I sighed. My second language was Spanish, But of course he was from another country and probaly had been born with French in his house. Joker was so rude. She had made Harryclaw very mad.But I did agree with her on one circumstance, Harryclaw was pretty much a damsel in distress. I didn't dare say it out loud. Harryclaw would probaly throw me out the window too. I fixed his window easily. Then I jumped out his newly fixed window and landed on my butt. "Smooth." Harryclaw snorted from inside. I could tell he was amused with my little mistake. "Watch it pal, I will come up there!!" I playfully threatnened him. I heard him scream with laughter. I flew up their with a stern face. He whistled innocently. But when I went back down again I heard his muffled giggles. When I flew back up he had his own hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing. "You think its real funny don't you." I told him. "Yup." He said. "You think a superhero landing on her super butt is so funny." I asked. He turned around and began laughing. When he turned back to face me tears were streaming down his face from laughing. "Alright, no more mister nice guy." I said tackeling him. But he still laughed. "Stop laughing!!!" I cried. But he couldn't. He kept snorting. I face palmed myself. "Hmmm!!!" I said loudly on purpose. My eyes fell on his gun. I grabbed it and pointed it at him. "You wouldn't." He said still laughing. He was right, I would never shoot him. I threw his gun onto his desk. "Alright little damsel stop laughing!!" I ordered. "Who's the damsel now!!!" He said pinning me to the ground. "NOT ME!!!" I said. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped him up in it so he couldn't move. "Grrrr." He growled. I laughed finally satisfied. He rolled all around on the ground trying to get it off. He kept blowing his hair out of his face. Now I was the one laughing. "THIS isn't funny." He snapped. I put my fingers in my ears and stuck my tounge out. and danced around him. He kept trying to kick me and bite me. I dodged him easily. It was the first time I had laughed and had fun for a long time.

Book one Chp. 17

"Alright, ALRIGHT i'm the damsel, now will you let me go back to work!" I said. "Fine UH, I had so much fun though." Bianca said. She pulled off the blankets and left. 2 hours later the bell rang loudly. I saw a note that said my name on it. I read it."Someones in the old abanonded warehouse eh." I thought. I decided to check it out. I drove to the warehouse. I parked my car behind something so people wouldn't see. Then I snuck in. I saw Zoey but no Joker. She was studying a paper. "Perfect, so we set the death ray on the tower, then some how we have to lure BatCat there." Zoey murmered. "I'd better tell BatCat." I whispered. Suddenly someone grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth. "YOUR not telling your girlfriend anything!!" I heard Joker growl. I knew this would make me have to use the whole container of mouthwash in the bathroom but I knew I had to do it. I sank my teeth into her hand. "EEEEEKKK!!!" Joker yelped. I spit 10 times on the floor. "YUCK!!!" I said. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" Joker snareled. Someone else grabbed me. It was Zoey. "I think I found the perfect bait to lure BatCat into our trap." Zoey said. "YES YES!!, I agree!!!" Joker said. "Well I don't!" I snapped. She tied me up fast to a chair. I was surprised by her speed. "Now you stay nice and quiet." Joker said. "NEVER!!" I roared. "Suite yourself." Joker said. She took out a white cloth out of her pocket. Then she tied it around my mouth. "MMPHRGG!!! (Why you!!)" I tried to say but it came out all muffled. "Well, I guess we better get old Batsy soon." Joker muttered. "Lets move him to Gotham Tower now." Zoey said. I could tell this was not gonna be good. Why had I been so stupid to come here alone. This was getting boring. I was sitting there bored. Then Joker took me and the chair to Gotham Tower. The highest building in Gotham City. I shivered, I never liked being up super high.

Book one Chp. 18

I dragged Harryclaw and the chair. The cloth around his mouth slid down. " WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!" He shouted at me. "Because I NEED to destroy BatCat." I told him. Then I pulled the cloth back up over his mouth and tightened it. "Now SHUT up." I told him. He gave me a very rude look. Then he rocked from side to side in the chair. "You'd better be careful, or it will fall and you will still be in it." I warned him. Then I turned away from him and looked around. "Marvoulus." I said. "BATCAT'S COMING HIDE!!" I shouted. Zoey and I hid. She landed next to Harryclaw. "Harryclaw?" She questioned. Harryclaw shook his head wildly and tried to say no. Then Zoey tackled BatCat. EEEK!!" BatCat cried. "Gotcha." Zoey said. I ripped the cloth off Harryclaw's mouth. He glared at me. "Hehehe!!" I giggled. BatCat growled and tried to escape from Zoey but Zoey had a good grip on her. Harryclaw kicked me. "HEY!!" I shouted. I hadn't tied his legs together. BatCat giggled. "THATS IT!!!" I shouted. I untied Harryclaw. He looked surprised. I dragged him over to the edge of the building. "NO JOKER DON'T!!!" BatCat shouted. "I've had enough of you two!!!, if I can't have Harryclaw then NO one can!!!" I shouted. BatCat tried to wriggle free from Zoey but couldn't. "Before I throw you to your death..." I said. Then I kissed Harryclaw. BatCat screamed. Then I stopped. "Goodbye Harryclaw." I said. Then I threw him off the building. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Harryclaw screamed. BatCat freed herself from Zoey and quickly flew down and caught Harryclaw. I had known BatCat would save him but it still made me mad. BatCat put Harryclaw down. I tried to run over there but I slipped in something. I looked down. Ice. I toppeled off the building. I hung on tight to the edge. "So this is how it ends.........." I thought. But then I felt someone grab my hand and attempt to hoist me up. Was it Zoey? I looked up. I was even more shocked to find out it wasn't Zoey. It was Harryclaw. What was he doing? But he pulled me up all the way. "Why did you do that its my fault your in this mess!!!, I-I almost killed you!!!" I cried. "Because............I'm not like you Joker, I don't want anyone to die." He said calmly. BatCat looked a little shocked but then she nodded her head approvingly. "That was a heroic thing to do Harryclaw..........." She muttered. He turned away from me and walked over to BatCat. "WAIT!!" I cried. But BatCat flew Harryclaw away. There was one thing stuck in my mind. Detective Harryclaw saved my life.

Book one Chp.19

Book two Chp. 1

BatCat the book 2

Theme Songs


Skillet- Hero (lyrics)

Book one Theme Song


Nightcore - Thanks for the Memories

Book 1 Ending Theme


Princess Resurrection Opening Full Song with English Lyrics, Caption or Subtitle

Book 2 theme


Nightcore- Glow

Book 2 ending theme
